
Center for Geosphere Dynamics shares laboratory equipment of the involved institutes (Earth Science departments and Institute for Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Charles University). We are well equipped for chemical and physical analyses of geomaterials, advanced speciation and isotope analyses, and field monitoring. Software tools and knowledge for modeling in geoscience are also available.

  • Quadrupole-based ICP-MS ThermoScientific X-series II and iCAP Q with New Wave UP 213 laser probe
  • Leco AMA 254 Hg analyzer
  • XRF spectrometers PANalytical Epsilon 3XL and ThermoScientific Niton XL3t 950 GOLDD+
  • PS Analytical Millennium Excalibur HPLC-HG-AFS for speciation analysis
  • ThermoScientific IRMS spectrometers (Mat 253 and Delta V Advantage) with associated devices (Flash EA 2000, TC/EA, GasBench II and LC IsoLink) for stable isotope measurements
  • ThermoScientific Neptune plus multi-collector ICP-MS for measurement of non-traditional metal isotopes
  • PANalytical X’Pert HighScore XRD with X’Celerator detector
  • TESCAN Vega and JEOL JSM-6380LV scanning electron microscopes equipped with Oxford X-Max 50 EDS and Oxford NordlysNano EBSD
  • JEOL JXA-8530F FEG-electron microprobe with 5 WD spectrometers, SE, BSE and CL detectors
  • Renishaw inVia Reflex, Inspector Raman DeltaNu and First Guard Rigaku Raman spectrometers
  • Kappabridge KLY5 device for measurement of magnetic susceptibility with 3D rotator, CS4 Furnace and CS-L Low-temperature Cryostat
  • Automatic spinner magnetometer JR-6A, alternating field demagnetizer LDA5 and associated anhysteretic/pulse magnetizer PAM1 for paleomagnetic applications and anisotropy of remanent magnetization
  • Triaxial devices for mechanical testing of compressibility, strength and permeability of geomaterials
  • Conductometers CMD Explorer and CMD MiniExplorer
  • Georadar MALA Ramac X3M (100, 250 and 500 MHz)
  • PHREEQC, MINTEQ and GWB codes for geochemical modeling
  • Constitutive models for geomaterials (
  • PolyLX, StereoLX and other software for applications in petrology and structural geology